St. Aidan's Rummage Sale!!!  September 17th, 9 am to 5pm

Is located at 361 East Grove Street in Michigan Center, MI 49254

PHONE: 517-764-2950

If you would like to dedicate alter flowers, they are $10 and please see Carol to make that happen.

Please Come and Pray With Us!

O God, Remember this place Saint Aidan's Church and its people as we move foward. 
Grant us your grace to built your kingdom with bold patience.
Let us not shrink from giving out time, talent, and treasures to ensure all things necessary for St. Aidan's to flourish and prosper.
Remove any fear of change from our hearts and increase in us our faith so we can accept the full and abundant life you bring into our midst though Jesus Christ, Our Lord.

St. Aidan's Church meets on:

          9:30         Bible Study and Worship

          10:15       Sunday School

Our Bible Study and Worship hour is focused on interactively learning the word of God.  Sandra Hite holds and interactive lecture for the topic at hand.  She engages the parish with a thoughtful discussion to reflect the teachings of this Sundays service.  With an in depth but easily understandable service Sandra conveys Gods message in understandable terms while interacting with the membership.


         11:00 am   Sunday Service or Morning Prayer

Sunday Service consists of our two very talented Clergy members.  We have Reverend Sandy Benes who bring a vibrant message of Gods word and can invent ways to bring Gods message, on a personal scale that not only hits home, but can make you find Gods meaning in many modern cultures.
Reverend John Morris is our other very talented minister.  Reverend Morris has excellent sermons to where I ask myself if God might be speaking through him directly to me. 

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